
Festa Global
Festa Global
Festa Global


We organize everything from A to Z on your behalf with our experienced team on your day, which crowns perhaps the most important step you will take in your life. All you have to do is enjoy the moment you live.

After you answer 'YES' to the most meaningful offer you have ever received in your life, the countdown begins. Until the date marked on your lifetime calendar to be celebrated, we design everything specially.

Let's first plan what we need to do to make today 'Unforgettable'.

  • Budget for the Wedding will be decided based on what kind of wedding the couples dream of, the desired concept at the wedding, the number of guests to attend, and where they will get married.
  • Planning; while planning your wedding, you should have an assistant who will assist you, implement your ideas and guide you. Festatur Global will assist you 7/24 in this regard.
  • Wedding Program Selection; in line with the couple's request, the program including the traditions of their countries or new trend organizations will be specially prepared for you.
  • Hospitality and Guests; to turn your best day into a legendary feast, decide how you want to host your guests. Do you want to make your treats in the form of a gala with a meal or a cocktail prolonge? Or are you dreaming of a pleasant outdoor wedding in the form of a barbecue party for a more intimate atmosphere?

Our Festatur Global assistant is at your service to create your guest list on your special day.

There's very little time left for that special day! Have fun!

Meeting Events

In order to increase the motivation and performance of national / international corporate companies, meetings, seminar organizations, motivation studies and business travel organizations are organized by our professional teams, which are organized to strengthen the bonds between the institutions and the employees by taking them out of the stereotypical working environment.

Festa Global